Digi-follower خرید فالوور ایرانی واقعی خرید لایک اینستاگرام خرید ویو اینستاگرام خرید فالوور واقعی اینستاگرام خرید فالوور با کیفیت اینستاگرام خرید سابسکرایب یوتیوب خرید لایک اینستاگرام خرید بازدید اینستاگرام خرید هاست


MPI (Market Place Influencers) is a major initiative of Secure the Future Initiative, a signature ministry of Firm Foundation International functioning under the supervision of the International Mission Director.
Market Place Influencers is designed to function as a space shuttle i.e. a mission vehicle designed to encourage professionals, entrepreneurs and investors to function as credible leaders and role models, strategically placed to take over their various spheres of influence in the society.
A Market Place Influencer is a leader who can constructively invest in the kingdom by giving his/her time, talent and treasure. In giving ones treasure, one must desire to be a functional financial partner in theory and in practice wherein he or she is a co-laborer/co-architect/co-missioner, working tirelessly for the expansion of the kingdom.
The main objective of being a Market Place Influencer is for these influencers to use what God has given them (Professional Exposure, Achievements, Expertise, Knowledge and Finance) to promote kingdom expansion through what we term as a “give-back-scheme” (the logic is to use what God has blessed you with to bless others).
Every team member (influencer) is a major kingdom investor who benefits from the donation he/she has made either directly (through giving your time or talent) or indirectly (through your treasure). The give-back-scheme is designed as a spiritual catalyst in mission business and this motivates God to boost, contribute and possibly develop all the diverse relationships the influencer is entangled in:

The Market Place Influencer has a healthy personal and private relationship with friends and family members.
The Market Place Influencer has a good integrity based business relationship with people everywhere.
The Market Place Influencer has a spiritual relationship with his/her creator – God.
The Market Place Influencer has a sound emotional relationship with a loved one.
The Market Place Influencer has a missional-relationship with us – FIRM MISSIONS (through STFi).
The Market Place Influencer is always open and willing to engage in the trainings from the Main Church Firm Foundation and its leadership
The Market Place Influencer is connected to the other members of the group in prayers and fellowship
The Market Place Influencer is committed to living an exemplary life that the younger generation can emulate

A summary of Our duties and responsibilities are explained below:

Market Place Influencers are STF AMBASSADORS [any professional who participates];
Market Place Influencers are STF PROFESSONALS [professionals who use their skills, careers, or experiences to support our projects, locally & globally];
Market Place Influencers are STF CHAMPIONS [professionals who help build affinity networks] and,
Market Place Influencers are STF PATRONS [professionals who give generously by funding our projects].

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